If you changed your mind or simply are not happy with a product, you are welcome to return the item to the seller, if that seller excepts returns on that product, and if the purchase is within the return window, set by the seller. 

Each seller on Envora.com manages their orders and returns. They are responsible for returns, refunds, and cancellations. Each seller sets their own return policy for each product they sell. If they do not add a return policy for a specific product/listing, the policy will be the policy for their store. If they have not listed a return/warranty policy for their store, then it will default to the Envora global policy of 30 days. 

30 days starts from when the tracking shows the item as delivered to the buyer, and ends when the item return tracking indicates acceptance at a shipping courier, such as the post office. 

How do returns work:

Before retuning an item make sure you contact the seller first to work out the details. 

To do this, log into your account. Navigate to your Buyer Dashboard. Select “Orders” on the Menu located on the left of the page. Locate your order and select “Request Return” to the right of the effected order. If there is not “Request Return” link this means the item is not eligible for a return, either because the seller does not accept returns for this particular item, or the return window has expired. 


If there is an issue with an order, you may open a case with the seller. 

To report an issue with an order, log into your account. Navigate to your Buyer Dashboard. Select “Orders” on the Menu located on the left of the page. Locate your order and select “Get Help” located on the right side of the effected order, or you can select “Cases” on the menu located on the left hand side of your Buyers Dashboard page. Once on the page, follow the prompts to continue.

If you are not able to work out things with the seller, an “Escalate Case” selection will appear at the top of the case page. Simply click on the link and the case will be escalated to Envora for review. We will work closely with you and the seller to find a resolution. 

If you are unable to reach a resolution, and you checkout as a guest, please email us at disputes@envora.com. Please include your order number in the title of the email. Your order number can be found in your order confirmation email. 

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